Coachings by MW AG

We are living in a world dominated by a rapid succession of disruptive changes. This places new demands on us, both in our professional and private lives. Maintaining an inner balance and facing these challenges with a positive mindset are key factors for a happy life, as well as long-term business success. In the working world, management principles based purely on hierarchies are no longer fit for purpose. The market now demands a more individual, creative approach as well as a high level of personal responsibility – and this goes hand in hand with the need for greater flexibility and new forms of leadership and collaboration.
More than ever before, managers are following their own individual pathways. It is not a matter of simply pleasing others, but of discovering yourself, being true to yourself and unfolding your full potential – both at work and in your private life.
Straight, predictable career paths are a thing of the past. The half-life of knowledge is diminishing at a dramatic rate. Phases of uncertainty are on the increase. To engage in lifelong learning and ongoing personal development, managers and key personnel need to have a large degree of openness and flexibility.
Many people are unaware of their true potential. We help individuals to discover what they are capable of. And we support them on the journey towards developing their strengths and learning to believe in their own abilities. We help you to become the best that you can be!
Are you making full use of your potential?
MW AG offers individual coaching sessions for senior managers. These are personal, one-on-one sessions in which we pursue clearly defined goals. We focus on development and on empowering the client to discover their own solutions. Besides short-term coaching sessions addressing specific challenges, we also offer a systematic coaching programme for ongoing personal development.
The coaching generally takes place over a period of six to twelve months. The setting and scope are determined individually according to the situation and the needs and goals of the client.
To ensure that learnings are anchored in the long term, we offer annual refresher courses over a period of several years. Our main focus is on providing benefits for both the coachee and the employer. Our goal is to derive the maximum potential from every person and every situation – here and now.
Are you ready to go?
Enhance your strengths – make use of your potential
Our coaching sessions are built around your strengths. In order to discover your potential, essentially what we do during these sessions is hold up a metaphorical mirror for you to see yourself in, and pinpoint vulnerable points in a constructive way. You will be both challenged and empowered to listen to your inner self.
Our collaboration is based around concrete practical situations. We tailor the contents of individual coaching sessions to your personal needs. We provide you with effective support to enable you to place issues within a wider context, and achieve long-term behavioural change. At the end of each session we identify the insights and learnings that you, as the coachee, will directly put into practice. Then, in the next session, we pick up on the real-life experiences that have resulted from this in your daily work, so as to consolidate and further anchor the learnings.
In order to perform to your full potential, you need to know yourself and your own talents, and make effective use of your resources.
CEO Air Zermatt AG

Verwaltungsratspräsident Air Zermatt AG

CEO, Galenica Group

Head IT Infrastructure & Operations

General Counsel P&C and WM CH, Switzerland

Head Finance and HR (CFO)

Moderatorin & Unternehmerin

Head of Cargo Global Sales
Swiss WorldCargo

You gave me the courage to overcome my fears and put aside my self-doubts – and to follow my passions and ideals. You planted a seed, and for the past three years I have been following the path that you sketched for me. I managed to join the dots between two different worlds: the art that I create helps me every day to navigate my job and my private life. And people really do listen – just like you promised. I’m still a little shy of doing the opposite as well: using my art to actively inspire others. But I’m on the way, and I’m nearly there.
Artist & Head Human Capital and Communication
Global Head Compliance

"incoming and outgoing" CEO of Lazzarini AG


Private Banking
Managing Director

Head of Offers & Marketing

Head of Pilot Training

CEO AlpTransit Gotthard AG

Ex-Chief Operating Officer

Founder & CEO of Globalance Bank

Chief Sales Officer

Where to find us
MW AG | Executive Development
Goethestrasse 12 (4th floor)
CH-8001 Zürich
Our offices are located near the Stadelhofen station, right next to the “Opernhaus” tram stop. If you are coming from Zurich airport, a train takes you directly to Stadelhofen station within less than 30 minutes.
If you are coming by car, the Opéra carpark is about 150 metres away.
Phone +41 44 533 05 25