
Trainings by MW AG

Are you ready to take the floor?

In our work we often encounter managers and leaders who are facing critical decisions – barriers that need to be overcome, impending challenges that lie outside their zone of experience, or performance situations of central importance that merit a thorough analysis of the situation and preparation with the assistance of an expert.

Are you facing an assessment centre, an important interview or a vital public appearance?

Our offering

MW AG offers targeted training tailored to your needs in the form of short courses, lasting two to five hours, which give you the confidence you need to successfully accomplish your important milestones.

The goal of these training sessions is to enable you, at the critical moment, to draw on all of your resources and give a fully convincing performance. These situation-specific training courses are a short and effective measure.

The benefits for you as a participant
  • Confidence through training: You will work through various practice scenarios with the aim of testing and challenging yourself in a safe space, so as to identify any stumbling blocks or gaps in your skills.

Thanks to this, you will know exactly what you need to focus on when preparing for your big day.

  • How others see you: Through direct, constructive critical feedback you will see yourself as others see you, warts and all.

This will make you more aware of your own impact, and of any behaviours you need to correct.

  • Specific action points: Working with the trainer, you will identify the action points you need to follow to achieve your goals.

Knowing exactly what you need to do and what the critical issues are will enhance your trust and confidence in your own abilities.

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Daniel Aufdenblatten
“Maya Weber puts people first. Right from the start I felt sure I had come to the right place! It was professional, intensive, and exacting - but despite that, we still found ourselves laughing a lot. That was my experience of being assessed by Maya Weber and her team. The in-depth interviews and precise analysis not only yield an uncompromising view of your own areas for development, they also give motivating insights into your personal strengths.”
Daniel Aufdenblatten
CEO Air Zermatt AG
Air Zermatt
Daniel Aufdenblatten
Philipp Perren
“Thanks to her authentic and thoroughly honest nature, Maya Weber didn't just put the newly chosen CEO through an intensive yet efficient performance assessment - at the same time, she was also able to do a health check on the Chair of the Bord of Directors and the cooperation between the Board of Directors and the management. She was able to call to life ideas that otherwise would only have unfolded at a later stage.”
Dr. Philipp Perren
Verwaltungsratspräsident Air Zermatt AG
Air Zermatt
Philipp Perren
“Starting from a well-founded analysis of my personality structure, the MW AG assessors got to the point quickly and clearly. Then they followed through, working consistently, with passion, energy and perseverance. You can clearly see that Maya Weber really cares about people, and that coaching is her passion, not just a job. Getting the right result is really important to her.”
Marc Werner
CEO, Galenica Group
"We have been working with Maya Weber for a number of years. When performing assessments, Maya creates an ambience in which we, as the client, feel that our needs are addressed, and the candidates feel challenged. Her observations are always well-founded and nuanced, and make a valuable addition to our decision-making process. We especially appreciate the closeness she fosters with her clients, her ability to engage with our individual issues and her focus on long-term collaboration. Our candidates also value the professional support, including follow-up support."
Dave Brupbacher
Head IT Infrastructure & Operations
"As executive coach, Maya Weber, recognizes unerringly where a person's limitations are rooted in organisational aspects or in own beliefs. She detects areas with potential and provides you with effective tools to unlock it. She is an ace in supporting you help yourself! "
Ueli Studer
General Counsel P&C and WM CH, Switzerland
“For a number of years now we have benefited from a professional, individualised collaboration with Maya Weber. Through her empathy and her clear, motivational way of interacting with people, she is able to hone in on the essential issues with great precision, both in assessments and coaching, and support and implement them with a practical focus. She facilitates personal development with charming professionalism, and arrives at her goal with sensitive tenacity.”
Christian Poerschke
Head Finance and HR (CFO)
Kiki Mäder
"Maya Weber has an impressive ability to get the measure of other people in the shortest time. She exposes obstructive patterns with refreshing honesty and a great deal of tact and sensitivity. With her empathy and skilful questioning, in no time at all she was able to put my concerns in order and show me a new approach to tackling them. Her manner of building trust and providing encouragement and inspiration has left a lasting impression on me. The collaboration with Maya has given great impetus to both my work and my mindset. Thank you!”
Kiki Mäder
Moderatorin & Unternehmerin
Kiki Mäder
Globalance Bank
"Maya Weber inspires, motivates, challenges, and asks penetrating questions. Faced with the most varied challenges, from negotiations to team constellations, right up to personal career decisions, my exchange with Maya helped me enormously to find new perspectives and generate problem-solving approaches."
Dr. Gieri Hinnen
Head of Cargo Global Sales

Swiss WorldCargo
Swiss World Cargo
Globalance Bank
Ivo Meier
In both my professional and private lives I have had the privilege of meeting many mentors and inspiring people. Among these, one mentor – Maya Weber – has influenced me the most. To Maya:

You gave me the courage to overcome my fears and put aside my self-doubts – and to follow my passions and ideals. You planted a seed, and for the past three years I have been following the path that you sketched for me. I managed to join the dots between two different worlds: the art that I create helps me every day to navigate my job and my private life. And people really do listen – just like you promised. I’m still a little shy of doing the opposite as well: using my art to actively inspire others. But I’m on the way, and I’m nearly there.
Ivo Meier
Artist & Head Human Capital and Communication
Julius Baer
"Maya Weber helped me tremendously in my personal development with her effective and target-oriented coaching. Her input and feedback was to the point yet highly empathetic and always helpful - an inspiring experience."
Matthias Supper
Global Head Compliance
Julius Baer
"The ability to observe without judgement is a high form of support, mentoring and authenticity when accompanying clients in a consulting role." This is the reality that we experienced with Maya and her team in an assessment process that took place as part of our "Next Generation" project. Thanks to your experience, empathy, and clarity, your assessments reveal the potential and development opportunities that enable us to work together and bring the issues we are tackling to a successful conclusion. Maya, you have my heartfelt thanks - also for being there for us beyond the scope of the assessment.
Jonas Willi and Claudio Giovanoli,
"incoming and outgoing" CEO of Lazzarini AG
Slot Coordination Switzerland
"Maya Weber always puts people at the centre of everything. Her assessments are challenging, but in spite of this they are conducted with great sensitivity. Thanks to her empathy and her interest in displaying the candidate’s abilities, her contribution is a big help in making decisions. Candidates find the assessment results and ongoing support to be a formative experience, not only in the realm of their professional development."
Peter Dellenbach
Slot Coordination Switzerland
Slot Coordination Switzerland
UBP Union Bancaire Privée
"I really appreciate the special human touch as well as professional qualities that Maya brings to her coaching. She is able to create an atmosphere of trust in which, working together, you can achieve a lot."
Dominik Bischoff

Private Banking
Managing Director
UBP Bancaire Privée
UBP Union Bancaire Privée
"For well over a year it has been my privilege to receive intensive personal mentoring from Maya Weber. With her manner of combining empathy with toughness, she always asked the right questions – questions that spurred reflection, and could even be painful at times. Our discussions were very edifying, and have helped me make significant progress in my personal development. I would like to thank Maya for this."
Michel Siegenthaler
Head of Offers & Marketing
Logo Swisscom
“Maya Weber supported me in my personal development for eight months. In a highly motivating manner with a good deal of empathy, she got me to reflect on myself and critically analyse my own beliefs and identity. With her keen perception, her big heart and her genuine interest in people, Ms Weber guided me through the coaching journey, always keeping our focus on the goal. Along the way I’ve picked up some concrete tips and tools which I’ll be able to use for the rest of my life.”
Formerly Cptn. Martin Brändli
Head of Pilot Training
“This was a substantial assessment, carefully calibrated to the particular challenges of the position in question. With cleverly designed tasks and precise, relevant feedback. It was a very enriching experience, including on a personal level.”
Dieter Schwank
CEO AlpTransit Gotthard AG
“Maya Weber’s assessments and coaching are impressive due to their in-depth character, which drills right to the heart of the requirements placed on modern managers. By wholeheartedly embodying values such as entrepreneurship, empathy and enthusiasm, Maya creates a platform of trust, builds bridges and enables the candidates/coachees to open up. Her keen powers of observation, her disarming and sympathetic honesty and her direct feedback provide enormous added value to the recipients – not only for business, but also for their personal lives!”
Thomas Frick
Ex-Chief Operating Officer
Globalance Bank
"Maya Weber has an extremely positive and motivating personality. As a coach, she has an extraordinary ability to tackle the important issues with empathy and sensitivity, but also with a consistent attitude. Her aim is always to work with the other person to achieve the outcome that is best for them. I am deeply grateful to Maya Weber, who has had a lasting influence on me."
Reto Ringger
Founder & CEO of Globalance Bank
Globalance Bank
Globalance Bank
"For me, every coaching session with Maya is a bittersweet pleasure. She takes me to the root of my beliefs and inner barriers, with a lot of warmth and patience, but also with tenacity and a systematic approach. Building on this, Maya supports me in my personal development, always with the central focus on human aspects – never pushy but always encouraging, she spurs me on to try out new methods and approaches."
Angelo Razzino
Chief Sales Officer
Sky Frame
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Where to find us

MW AG | Executive Development
Goethestrasse 12  (4th floor)
CH-8001 Zürich

Our offices are located near the Stadelhofen station, right next to the “Opernhaus” tram stop. If you are coming from Zurich airport, a train takes you directly to Stadelhofen station within less than 30 minutes.

If you are coming by car, the Opéra carpark is about 150 metres away.


Phone +41 44 533 05 25

We are members of
Verbandsmitgliedschaften MW AG